True Cost of Brick

Even though brick may cost on average about 2-4% based on the required quantity than cement brick materials, in a very short time, this “expense” transforms itself into real savings. Also, because brick is a fireproof building material.

Save On Maintenance
Brick never needs painting. It never rots, fades, peels or dents. Just think of the savings in paint, labor and head-aches this can mean. Caveat – brick painting can add character exterior or interior.

Save On Air Conditioner Bill
Brick is a proven insulator. It is slow to lose or absorb heat, which reduces the load on your heating and cooling system. A brick home stays warm when it’s cool and cool when it’s warm.

Brick Homes Have a Higher Resale Value
On average holes its value, brick homes command at least 6% more than other home styles. So, when a brick house sells, the return on the initial investment almost always proves to be a wise one. 



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